A very nice event took place on the weekend of Oct. 2-3rd: open castle day in the Udine area. What they basically did was to open to the public 17 different public castles in the provinces of Pordenone, Udine and nearby Trieste.
I saw three and the third one was perhaps the nicest, located in the nearby town (9kms from Udine), Villalta. The castle itself dates back to the 10th-11th centuries. In 1300 it was destroyed and then again re-built. As you can see from the pics, they also had falcons, owls and small, cute barn owls plus their trainers in the central courtyard. The area also included exhibits of old wedding apparel. Indeed a very fascinating way to spend the weekend, visiting old (and who knows, also haunted?) castles (all pics by M. Rimati)!